Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'M 21!!!!!!

Finally, I'm legal worldwide. I really can't be as excited as I want to and get all 'Party like it's your birthday' because I have an exam in about seven hours that I should be studying for instead of playing hookie and writing this post. Ah well, sue me!

Every time my birthday comes around I am really grateful to my mother, who in addition to being absolutely the best mum in the world, had the most harrowing experience with Hyperememis Gravidarum while pregnant with me. If you have no idea what that is, you can check the link below. It is amazing how persons still think it is 'just morning sickness' and that further research isn't absolutely necessary. I have been researching this since my mum told me about her pregnancy and it is horrible. I've read stories about several women who made the agonizing choice to terminate the pregnancy because their bodies couldn't withstand it.
There have been some strides but for my mother 21 years ago, she was hospitalized for months when the retching wouldn't stop, unable to eat and just generally weak as hell. I think when she gave birth to me, prematurely at that, she was just happy to be get me out so she could be well again.
Anyway... I am grateful to be here, I love her to death and she's been my biggest supporter in everything I do from my LLB to my writing.
I remember a couple weeks ago I was having an 'I-won't-get-a-first-class-honours-the-world-will-end' moment and she said to me so calmly, "That's okay dear - you are only a writer posing as a lawyer. Your first book deal will mean so much more than a first class.'
I love how she assumes I'll succeed, it's a given to her.
So on my 21st Birthday, I feel it necessary to dedicate these two songs to the most important person in my life!

So what's on the agenda today? At 9:00 AM I've got the lovely Discrimination in Employment Law... wish me luck. Then later tonight I am going to have one hell of a sushi fest. Heading to my favourite restaurant in an aim to eat 21 rolls whilst reading a novel on my Kindle. I am so excited. And well, since I am not totally antisocial I'll have some slices of pizza and ice-cream with my friends afterwards before getting back to *gasp* studying!
You know maybe I my treat myself to actually doing some plotting.
However mostly, I think all I am going to want to do is sleep. Okay, I gotta jet now, my allotted blog writing sneaky time has been up for fifteen minutes. My roommate / study buddy is gesturing for me to stop and head back to the books!!!


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