Thursday, April 21, 2011

enter Real Life

I haven't posted in ages, and if I am going to be completely honest, there will not be much posting until the 13th of May (if my mental sanity endures until then). I had very high hopes of being the picture of efficiency this semester. Keep up on my readings, research my cases ahead of time... no cramming, actually attending classes. How did that go?.... well... nicht sehr gut. Hell, not very well is a complete understatement. All of my plans for this semester were epic failures. My first exam is in seven days, and let's just say it is going to take 3/4 cramming and 1/3 divine intervention to pull me through.
On the upside though, my plotting is coming along very well (generally at times when I should be contemplating things like Bona Fide Occupational Requirements and such). Hopefully, after I get this nuisance called school out of the way I can actually concentrate on writing. I hope.

Tchuss for now.

And oh yea... if you are by any chance on of my two readers *smile*... send up tons of well wishes for me. I am freaked that I might actually do dismally on my first exam which is ironically on my 21st Birthday... well, at least I've got sushi afterwards to cheer me up.

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