Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Muse has a Sense of Humour / Panic Mode

I turn 21 tomorrow. Yay, me right? Finally, legal everywhere in the world. Except, my first exam is tomorrow and because of several factors (which on their own would not have been too bad but combined together were almost apocalyptic) I missed an entire scheduled day of studying. Needless to say, my panic mode has been activated so quickly that I think I might have a bit of whiplash.

While this is all going on, I must admit that my concentration level is somewhere at a 4.5 or something. For every case I read, I swear I daydream for at least five minutes. Why? Well, it appears that my Muse other than being very prone to not turning up to Writing sessions that I've invited her too (without generally even the manners to decline my RSVP), seems to have a sense of humour. I have had no less than three very great plot ideas begging to be fleshed out in my mind and in my plot book. I mean I am not complaining, it is amazing to have plot ideas. I think my favourite part of writing is allowing myself to be dragged into the world and getting acquainted with my characters and their adventure. However, smack dab in the middle of the most important exam period of my LLB? As grateful as I am for the plots, I definitely cannot ignore the smack of irony. I imagine my Muse sitting in some bar rubbing her index finger along the rim of a glass of Chardonnay and saying to one of her friends, "So... I have devised the best scheme to drive my charge crazy."
My Muse has an attitude problem. But, better an attitude problem than no Muse at all right?

I have a slightly bigger problem than my Muse and her pranks though, in about 25 hours I will have my first exam marking the start of my final exam period as a Bachelors of Law student! There is that and the fact that the quality of my honours depends on it. These exams will determine whether or not I walk out of this school with a First Class Honour or an Upper Second.

So here's the plan... I've put on my favourite artists and I am heading back to those books with a cup-o-coffee :)...

Wish me luck.


I love Regina Spektor but I especially love this song "Apres Moi". Peter Gabriel's version is great as well. You should have a listen.

PS: I swear it took me fifteen minutes to figure out how to embed this video. With all that trouble, I really hope you enjoy it!

PPS: I have decided that my countdown 'til doom album companion will be Peter Gabriel's 'Scratch My Back'....

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