and who is this chick anyway?

I am a current law student who wants to be a writer. I don't write because I want to be rich or famous... I write because it is as necessary to me as breathing. Simply put, I write because I have to. Unfortunately, I have a bad habit or starting novels and never finishing them. This is a journey of validation (as corny as it sounds)... I want to prove to myself that I'm not just this kid who writes on occasion but I am a writer!!

When I'm not obsessing about getting the stories in my head down, I'm obsessed with reading other people's work. There is nothing better to me than delving into the world created by authors. If I were to describe myself in a short sentence I'd be a book and classical music + techno loving, Fringe obsessed, the Sims addicted, German learning writer posing as a law student! :D
