Saturday, April 23, 2011


I should be studying. I really should. But, alas, on my thirty minute dinner break I decided to catch up on my celebrity gossip fix. This led me to an article on Yahoo about Reality TV stars' earnings for 2010. So did you know that Snooki got paid $32 000 by Rutgers University to deliver a speech last month? $32 000!!!! This is however not the part that completely right hooked me and all but left me sprawling on the living room floor in the most unlady like manner. Snooki, of Jersey shore fame, actually cashed in $2000 more than Toni Morrison was paid by the same University to deliver the commencement address. I'm flabbergasted at this. Of course, I am not precisely the most objective person because of my adoration for all things literary. JK Rowlings making billions off the back of her Harry Potter series, Stephenie Myers being uber successful along with the way Amanda Hocking has taken the literary world by storm (as corny as this sounds), I take their achievement personally. In my mind it is like Writer Pwr!!! I figure that writers are the most under-appreciated of the Creativity-R-U Fraternity / Sorority. So I'm tickled, well whatever colour a brown skinned girl gets tickled when she is pleasantly, pleasantly pleased whenever Writers come out on top. However, this is not just about my adoration for writing and books and writers. But heck, this is Toni Morrison - she has won a Nobel Prize and a Pulitzer prize... *sits back in defeat and stops trying to make sense of it*...



  1. I heard about this and simultaneously wondered what I was doing wrong in my life...and about the sanity of today's world and if the future holds any hope.

  2. I know like at first I thought to myself $32 000... wow, for a speech... nothing against Snooki but I watch Jersey Shore... but then after the Toni Morrison comment well... still in shock...

  3. well i'll be damned! -_-


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