Tuesday, April 5, 2011

... write about what you know

I can't tell you how many times I have heard this but it still gets me each time. Never mind the fact that I write urban fantasy, which means most likely I am writing a bit about things I know nothing about (except what I've researched) or things I've made up entirely... like my Tristles :). Writing about what you know takes on a whole different meaning when you are young, female, black and from the Caribbean. It is used by persons to challenge me when my books do not comprise of a young, black, female lead and set in the Caribbean. I guess that was all nice and easy to buy into back when I was writing what I thought 'I should write about' and not just whatever the hell I wanted to. So, I have completely decided to make my writing an adventure and attempt to write about everything I don't know.
Take Arabesque for instance (I have no idea what the book will be called, so I refer to it by the lead's name). This character is the only certainty in the entire book. I've got her race down (she's bi-racial) and her entire personality down (which is such a contrast from my own it is a bit of personality shock every time I spend time with her). She is only a certainty because I have modeled her in a good part after my 'niece' Kiwi, who is easily the most kick ass person I have met (even though she's only 10). I figure this says something definitely about the extent of her kickassness or is an affirmation that I need to go out more. I digress, so I've basically envisioned my ultra, kickass, sweetie pie in the next seven to eight years and kept some of her core physical characteristics and some of her personal ones then adapted them enough that it is not too obvious whom my inspiration was. Although I guess that was totally unnecessary since I've just outed myself to the two persons who read this blog :). Well, other than Arabesque everyone thing else will be picked out of a hat. I swear. I've printed several sheets of papers with things like: 'The Caribbean' "'Europe' 'Latin America' 'the US' 'Black' 'Mixed' 'White' 'Asian' 'Slender' 'Chubby'... you get the gist right? Either I am going to write a kick ass story, or fall flat on my behind and crawl back with a whimper to the adage 'write about what you know.' Until then this promises to be fun, so I've buckled up and am prepared for the ride.


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