Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm going to make it happen.

I've wanted to be a write for as long as I can remember. My happiest moments are spent creating characters and worlds and scenarios but I've always been way too shy and scared to really try to become 'a writer'. I mean, I dreamed - at night, during the daytime, during Spelling Class when I was seven and during Family Law last year. Dreaming is great, but it gets you nowhere. It will not complete the novels nor will it send manuscripts out to publishers. It definitely doesn't get my work out to more than a close circle of friends. It is 6:46 in the morning and I am about to delve into cases concerning HIV Discrimination and five minutes ago it hit me: I am going to make it happen. I am going to quit dreaming and I am going to work for it.
You may wonder what's the correlation between HIV discrimination and achieving my life long dream (not that I've been alive that long, 21 years is hardly an eternity :D ) a reality.
My first exam (conveniently on the morn of my 21st year of existence on Planet Earth *cue subtle science-fiction theme music*) is six days away. It is Discrimination in Employment Law (definitely not the most interesting law course on the roster) and I want to pass it (duh!) furthermore, my Grade Goal Sheet has this course tagged for an A. In an attempt to secure my A, I'm not dreaming about getting one. I'm not going to bed at night thinking 'shucks, won't it be great if I got an A in this course' without putting in one iota of effort. Nope. Frankly, if I tried to do that, I'd be the first to say 'Errm...honey child, you head needs to be checked.". What I'm doing in the methodically going through the syllabus and studying. I'm reading articles, cases and am writing practice question. I think it is now time that I put the same amount of effort into my real dream as I put into my backup.
So yea... I am going to make it happen!! :).
Might be hard, tough, I might be demoralized along the way. But, I'm going to make it happen.



  1. This made me smile! But I just told you that :p. That's the spirit indeed. I'm really proud of you. I can't wait to see you make it happen. Keep on fighting!

  2. I feel like I should give you a prize for being the first person to comment on this blog or something :)


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