Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's been a while

It has definitely been a long time since my last blog post. Insomuch that it might seem like I abandoned the idea of keeping a blog. Alas, that hasn't been the case. More like a case of Chronic Exam Stress Syndrome.
My body has been so compromised by my exam schedule that I find myself jumping out of bed in the middle of the night, certain that I have overslept and there were a million cases for me to read. It's done now though and I am faced with the best part of my school life --- summer. *does a ridiculously uncoordinated jig*.
My summer plans are simple; lose weight (this has been on my agenda for at least three years, learn German and write. Writing is the most important thing on the list although I left it for last. I have a few crappy novels under my belt and so many idea twirling around this head of mind that my characters have become somewhat like imaginary friends.
I wanted to get starting on the writing today but I just want to curl into bed and sleep for about the next month or so. My drooping eyelids made that decision for although I might have to settle simply for another three hours or so. I had one amazing thing happen to me that I really want to mention before I take a first class trip to lala land.
Help Write Now was set up to solicit aid for those terrible tornadoes in the South of the US. What they did was have authors donate stuff; it could be books, critiques or in this one very cool instance a necklace. I was scrolling through and found that Caitlin Kitteridge was offering a fifty page critique of a YA novel and I bid on it.
While mentioning it casually to one of my friends he decided that he would halve whatever the winning bid was. Not only was that the sweetest thing ever (thank you Stegs) but in the end I did win the critique. I am so terribly excited and wish that I could have sent her something now. Unfortunately all of my writing has been done in conjunction with school and simply put, sucks. I suppose this is another reason why I should take a short nap and get my editing on!
I'm out for now. Buuuut, now that my life doesn't revolve around case names, red bull and coffee, I will be sure to keep you posted.

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