Saturday, May 28, 2011

Paid TV Ads

I have a weird obsession with Paid Tv Programming. In fact, I even have my favourites. Of course this might be a dead giveaway that I need a life. It's just that they are all so cheery, chirpy and happy sounding. Do they give these announcers something before filming start? Because I mean, if they do, I'd really like to know what it is. It will be quite handy when I start law school. Imagine being able to annoy my lecturers into giving me an A, because I really do believe that what Paid Programming does is annoy you into purchasing the product. No one, and I repeat, no one deserves to be exposed to such chirpiness at five in the morning.

On the bright side there's another Dr. Who Marathon going on now on BBC America!! Yaaay! Best memorial day marathon ever, although my roommate would probably disagree - she's stuck watching Syfy's marathon. I must confess I miss David Tennant. Don't get me wrong Matt Smith does an excellent job and he's quite likeable. I am also fond of Karen Whats-her-name (his companion, Amy Ponds - granted the whole running off with a strange man the night before her wedding thing wasn't cool) but David Tennant was my first Dr. Of course I've seen the reruns but it was never quite Dr. Who unless David was the Dr. I feel weirdly nostalgic when I watch the new series but I love Dr. Who, I can't get enough of it.

This is why despite the fact there are a million on one things I should be doing now (especially considering that I've seen these lot of episodes before) I am stuck at BBC America where I shall remain for the rest of the day...

Hell, at the end of this marathon, I might just be as perky as Paid Programming Advert presenter.

Or not.


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