Saturday, May 28, 2011

Paid TV Ads

I have a weird obsession with Paid Tv Programming. In fact, I even have my favourites. Of course this might be a dead giveaway that I need a life. It's just that they are all so cheery, chirpy and happy sounding. Do they give these announcers something before filming start? Because I mean, if they do, I'd really like to know what it is. It will be quite handy when I start law school. Imagine being able to annoy my lecturers into giving me an A, because I really do believe that what Paid Programming does is annoy you into purchasing the product. No one, and I repeat, no one deserves to be exposed to such chirpiness at five in the morning.

On the bright side there's another Dr. Who Marathon going on now on BBC America!! Yaaay! Best memorial day marathon ever, although my roommate would probably disagree - she's stuck watching Syfy's marathon. I must confess I miss David Tennant. Don't get me wrong Matt Smith does an excellent job and he's quite likeable. I am also fond of Karen Whats-her-name (his companion, Amy Ponds - granted the whole running off with a strange man the night before her wedding thing wasn't cool) but David Tennant was my first Dr. Of course I've seen the reruns but it was never quite Dr. Who unless David was the Dr. I feel weirdly nostalgic when I watch the new series but I love Dr. Who, I can't get enough of it.

This is why despite the fact there are a million on one things I should be doing now (especially considering that I've seen these lot of episodes before) I am stuck at BBC America where I shall remain for the rest of the day...

Hell, at the end of this marathon, I might just be as perky as Paid Programming Advert presenter.

Or not.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Early Morning Blues

I am sort of working on the first novel of my Edge of Darkness (subject to change) series while reading up on Selena Gomez's and Justin Bieber's romantic getaway. Well actually, I am actually reading people's comments to the article but damn humans are mean. I think the age of 'if you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything' has completely gone out along with dial-up internet. But of course I am not actually here to write an impassioned rant about how, despite not being a fan of either, we should leave the kids alone and allow them to get on with their life. I think they probably have more important things to concern themselves with than public opinion and I personally know I have more important things to concern myself with than their hurt feelings.

Quite ironically what tops the list of my troubles is that I cannot write. I am just about halfway through the first novel with twenty-five thousand words and a bit to go but I seem to write four, five hundred words, brand them as complete and utter crap and then delete them. Now, I seem to be in full blown moping process. It happens more often than I'd like (which is never) and it always leaves me feeling restless and confused. It is the good old 'you are definitely not good enough to be a writer' phase. It eats at me until I come down with emotionally induced writer's block which, trust me on this one, is worse than writer's block of a plot-based origin.
I am doubting my plot, every chapter, every paragraph and I'm giving my characters such a hard time I think my Muse is just about to abandon me in favor of hanging out with her more cheery, less bitchy friends.

It hit me hard what I am planning to do (and the nasty, nasty comments left to that article played no small role in my major panic) by putting myself and my work out there. I mean it is a trite principle that not because you love doing something, you are necessarily good at it. Take me for example: I love singing bluesy, jazzy music (of Adele, Duffy, Norah Jones and Corrine Bailey Rae fame) in the shower or in my bedroom when my mother is not home and will not unwittingly suffer from deafness as a result. I am under no delusions that I am probably the worst singer to ever grace this planet. Let's put it this way, not even auto tune would save me.

I wonder from time to time as I finish my chapters if it is anything different with writing. I may believe that I was born to write but that doesn't mean I am good enough to actually succeed in the field or to turn out work which persons will not want to burn, stomp on then douse in water. Well, at least I'm not quitting my day job right?
I keep thinking of William Bell's advice to Walter in Fringe 'You never know how far you can go until you risk going too far'.
I'm risking it all right, and it simply scares the bejeezus out of me.

Wish me luck, I think I might need it.


State of my nerves right now.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I am a total fail at blogging...

I totally fail at blogging but I it shouldn't be all that surprising considering the fact I am also a complete fail at keeping a journal. I will try to be more regular *fingers crossed*. My summer vacation has not been much different from the last couple weeks of school, which isn't a good thing. I wake up in the morning at the most ungodly hours and I write, then I take a nap and I write and then I convince myself I should nap at around six in the afternoon never to be heard from again until about two the next morning.
I must have told you before that either writing is harder than I remember it being or well maybe I spent so much time being unable to write because of all the crazy stuff going on with school that I forgot or refused to acknowledge that it is tons of hard work. It's kinda like My Best Friend's Girl... where Dane Cook's character would take these women who dumped their boyfriends, husbands and fiances out and basically be the biggest dick to them that he could possibly be. In the face of all that, they almost always go running back to the boyfriends, husbands, fiances although they probably were not such a catch to begin with. I admit that this example is only about sixty percent spot on because I adore writing and I definitely wouldn't compare it to a crappy ex-boyfriend. But alas, it was the best example I could come up with right now.
I am about to start my schedule for today write, sleep, write, go comatose (eating and reading somehow factors in). I think this would be a bit harder if my imaginary friends weren't so cool to get to know!
But yea, I'm out.


PS: I'm so rocking Tinie Tempah as my writing tune for today (which means I'm probably going to listen to this song five hundred times in the next couple hours), check it out!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Stressed Out

It was very easy to romanticize writing at two-thirty in the morning when all I wanted to do was sleep but instead I was sat trying to figure out if it was Re M which dealt with vitiating consent to adoption, or if it was really Re P. Now that I am back to writing it has hit me full force that it is definitely not a walk in the park. In fact, there's not much romantic about it other than my undying love for it. The desperate need to whack my head against my desk in an attempt to shake my plot loose from where it seems to have lodged in the crevices of my brain is not romantic. Come to think about it, it is a bit sad.
Yesterday I had to get rid of 8700 words of the book I am working on. And no, that is not a typo, I didn't accidentally add on another zero. I mean it. Eight thousand, seven hundred words had to go. There is a bit of me that's chuffed I was able to spot that I was getting on and on with scenes which were essentially back story and did nothing but slow down the pace of the book. But damn it if I didn't cry a little.
I am going to spend the next two weeks doing something I genuinely hate to do. The dreaded plotting. This is in an effort to not run into problems like this again. I am not sure how well I will handle it the second time around. Plus, there is no need to condemn my mother to cleaning up my brain juices from my desk after a banging session gone bad. This is going to be the most interesting ride ever because I am a Seat of the Pants Writer and plotting has always served no other purpose than helping me lose interest in the story. This, as you must have realized, is a very bad thing.
I am just heading to do my hour long German lessons then I am delving into the world of plotting. I wonder where I put my rosary, I'm going to need the prayers.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's been a while

It has definitely been a long time since my last blog post. Insomuch that it might seem like I abandoned the idea of keeping a blog. Alas, that hasn't been the case. More like a case of Chronic Exam Stress Syndrome.
My body has been so compromised by my exam schedule that I find myself jumping out of bed in the middle of the night, certain that I have overslept and there were a million cases for me to read. It's done now though and I am faced with the best part of my school life --- summer. *does a ridiculously uncoordinated jig*.
My summer plans are simple; lose weight (this has been on my agenda for at least three years, learn German and write. Writing is the most important thing on the list although I left it for last. I have a few crappy novels under my belt and so many idea twirling around this head of mind that my characters have become somewhat like imaginary friends.
I wanted to get starting on the writing today but I just want to curl into bed and sleep for about the next month or so. My drooping eyelids made that decision for although I might have to settle simply for another three hours or so. I had one amazing thing happen to me that I really want to mention before I take a first class trip to lala land.
Help Write Now was set up to solicit aid for those terrible tornadoes in the South of the US. What they did was have authors donate stuff; it could be books, critiques or in this one very cool instance a necklace. I was scrolling through and found that Caitlin Kitteridge was offering a fifty page critique of a YA novel and I bid on it.
While mentioning it casually to one of my friends he decided that he would halve whatever the winning bid was. Not only was that the sweetest thing ever (thank you Stegs) but in the end I did win the critique. I am so terribly excited and wish that I could have sent her something now. Unfortunately all of my writing has been done in conjunction with school and simply put, sucks. I suppose this is another reason why I should take a short nap and get my editing on!
I'm out for now. Buuuut, now that my life doesn't revolve around case names, red bull and coffee, I will be sure to keep you posted.